Since I'm chillin' in the Vegas this week-playing the tables and drinking some beer-I decided to write a working out on the road inspired blog...
Over the past couple of years I have found myself travelling more and more. Fortunately if I am having to travel to speak or do a presentation it usually revolves around the fitness and strength and conditioning industry-so catching a workout isn't a problem.
When my wife Lisa and I travel for vacation, working out and eating well becomes a little more difficult-but not impossible.
Due to a mutual love for Las Vegas, we end up visiting about 2-3 times a year. Fortunately the hotel we stay in has a great fitness center, it has a real squat rack with many 45 lb plates, adjustable benches, and dumbbells up to 100 lbs. Plus a chin up bar and dip station not to mention plenty of cardio machines, medicine balls, and various nautilus style machines. I've never had a problem getting a good workout in while staying here.
When we travel by car-we usually either go to the beach or Penn State for the Arts Festival every year, I try to sneak a kettlebell plus a pair of indian clubs and sometimes some bands in the car.
Vacation is not the time to be setting personal records or experimenting with new workout programs. Heck, some people tend to use vacation as an excuse not to workout at all-I can't. If I don't exercise my body feels bad and my back starts to lockup-particularly if I am not stretching.
If I have access to a fitness center or weight room while travelling I tend to make these deload or backoff workouts-I only go about 60% in the main movements and do some lighter, higher volume "bodybuilding" stuff for accessory work, plus some cardio and stretching/mobility.
If we're travelling by car and I can drag along a kettlebell and clubs I do nothing but really high rep kettlebell lifting, lots of club swinging and mobility / flexibility work - a nice break from the barbells for a bit while still keeping active and feeling good. When Lisa and I are at Penn State or the beach we also do quite a bit of walking - particularly a good thing after big meals like the delicious ones we encounter at the B&B in State College we always stay at!
Speaking of nutrition - this is the biggest hang up for most people when travelling. The key is to enjoy yourself without over-doing it.
I quit eating meat a year ago, but still eat some fish and eggs in addition to a mostly vegetarian diet. It has made eating while travelling a little difficult but not impossible. It's very easy to find fish-and Lisa and I both enjoy sushi. Eggs are easy for breakfast. The hardest things are fresh fruit and vegetables and I definitely miss my green smoothies, compliments of my Vitamix blender, I usually make at home when we are travelling.
However I still enjoy my favorite cheat foods when I travel - again, it's vacation-not a time for personal records and dieting. I just try to do my best, eat healthy as much as possible and do not end up crying into my pillow if I have some beers or fried fish and chips (which I'll be having for lunch this afternoon at an Irish Pub in Mandalay Place!)
One thing I try to do when travelling is stay hydrated - I drink a ton of water at home and try to drink as much as possible, especially when we are in Vegas.
Vacation and travel should not be an excuse to give up your health and fitness goals - just do your best to exercise and eat healthy while still enjoying your time off and save the PR's and intense workouts for when you're back home and in your gym!
Stay Strong AND Healthy!
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